The Study on the Industrial Recreation for Bus Guide Girls 인문 · 사회과학편 : 직장(職場) 레크리에이션의 실태(實態)와 개선(改善)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) - 서울시내(市內)버스 안내양(案內孃)을 중심(中心)으로 -
20(2) 5-13, 1981
The Study on the Industrial Recreation for Bus Guide Girls 인문 · 사회과학편 : 직장(職場) 레크리에이션의 실태(實態)와 개선(改善)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) - 서울시내(市內)버스 안내양(案內孃)을 중심(中心)으로 -
The purpose of this study was to determine a plan of policy and administration of the industrial recreation for bus guide girls in Seoul City.
For the purpose, the subjects were selected 600 bus guide girls who worked on five bus companies in Seoul.
The method of study was engaged the questionaries with 30 items which were carefully surveyed.
Data of results were analyzed by computer for statistical significance of t-test.
The main findings of this study were as follows;
1. There were no sufficient facilitives and instruments of industrial recreation for bus guide girls,
2. The results showed that the bus guide girls had a lack of understanding for the industrial recreation during their leisure time.
3. They could not satisfy to enjoy recreational activities. It was reason for physical fatique from their work.
4. The study indicated that they admitted a need of recreational activities duringleisure time. They answered that a strong intention, to work was increased after recreational activities.
5. Because the most private establisments table tennis are concentrated near the bus terminal, they do it more than the other recreational activities.
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College Female Student's Psychological Characteristics of the Motivation of Participating in sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 여대생(女大生)의 스포오츠 참가동기에 관한 심리적요인 분석
20(2) 14-20, 1981
College Female Student's Psychological Characteristics of the Motivation of Participating in sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 여대생(女大生)의 스포오츠 참가동기에 관한 심리적요인 분석
All 747 freshmen attending "S" Woman`s College in Chun-Chon sity were examiend through writter questionnaire for the prupose of analyzing and studing college female students’ psychological characteristics of the motivation of participating in sports according to their major study departments and the acquired results are as follows:
1. Hummanitics Department students were much inclined to take part in sports from the recreational, the emotional, the physical motivations.
2. Social Department Students were much inclined to take part in sports from the recreational, the energetic and the physical motivations.
3. Science Department Students were much inclined to take part in sports from the recreational, the emotional, the physical and the technical motivations.
4. Art Department students were much inclined to take part in sports from the recreational, the emotional, the accomplishing, and the energetic motivations.
5. The recreational motivation were the strongest of college female students’ motives of participating in sports, next the emotional ones and then physical ones.
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A study on the improvement of service courses for Physical Education in colleges and Universities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학(大學) 교양체육(敎養體育) 내실화(內實化) 방안(方案)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
李桓世 , 金鍾先 , 高興煥 , 林繁藏 , 姜信福 , 鄭淸喜 , 鄭燐模
20(2) 21-35, 1981
A study on the improvement of service courses for Physical Education in colleges and Universities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학(大學) 교양체육(敎養體育) 내실화(內實化) 방안(方案)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
李桓世 , 金鍾先 , 高興煥 , 林繁藏 , 姜信福 , 鄭淸喜 , 鄭燐模
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A Study on Ball - Count and Frequency of Hit Production in Batting of Baseball 인문 · 사회과학편 : 야구(野球) 타격시(打擊時)의 볼 · 카운트와 안타발생(安打發生) 빈도(頻度)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
20(2) 36-46, 1981
A Study on Ball - Count and Frequency of Hit Production in Batting of Baseball 인문 · 사회과학편 : 야구(野球) 타격시(打擊時)의 볼 · 카운트와 안타발생(安打發生) 빈도(頻度)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
Hither-to, Our country`s baseball has given first step to defence and next to hitting compared with world baseball which the Americas area is main stream, and has hastily filled up to faults of batting method by abusing technical offensive method such as Hit and run, Bunt and Squeege Play instead of developing the batting.
Lately, Korea baseball has made much advancement with noticeable technique promotion, but it does not catch up with the baseball of Americas area mainly using speed and power. So by standing in the presence of game with more positive attitude, it`s the time for us to develop the long hit and to change from technical to big and vital baseball.
This study clear up that in a certain Ball-Count frequency of hit production is highest, and in halting search for a reform measure that Korea has to fill up by comparing and analyzing the differences of characteristic and power of the Americas area circle and the Orient circle baseball.
The result obtained from this study are as fellows.
1) First ball(1-1) ; 335(21.3%), among total his number, 1667, recorded the highest frequency of hit Production than any other ball-count (In single hit, twobase hit, three-base hit and homerun, the same tendency is shown).
2) The hit number produced in a 784(47.0%), from first ball to third ball(0-1, 1-0, 1-1) among total hit number; 1667, was highest than 562(37.7%), from fourth(1-2, 2-1) to sixth ball(2-2, 2-3).
3) Among 4 countries, the number of his production from first to third ball was Cuba; 97(61.4%), U.S.A.; 78(58.2%), Japan; 60(57.1%), Korea; 50(39.7%). Cuba was positive where as Korea was negative in batting.
In considering (1), (2), (3), it`s imminent to convert from negative to positive batting by making hit first ball without hesitation.
4) Among 4 nations, in total hit number, the first was Cuba(158), the second; U.S.A.(134), the third; Kerea(126), the fourth, Japan(105) so, Cuba marked highest.
5) Among 4 nations, in a single hit, the first was Korea(97), the second; U.S.A.(93), the third; Cuba(88), the fourth; Japan(71). So Korea was the highest.
6) Among 4 nations, in two base hit, the first was Cuba(32), the second; U.S.A.(24), the third; Korea(19), the fourth; Japan(14), so Cuba marked highest.
7) Among 4 nations, in home run, the first was Cuba(36), the second; Japan(14), the third; U.S.A. (12), the forth: Korea(15), so Korea was the lowest.
In considering (4), (5), (6), (7), we`ll have to quit a single hit, technical baseball and pay our attention to developing long batting power. A leader has to devote his attention to improvement of each player`s. personality and lead them to make batting in any circumstances of ball-count with self-determination and the best form they have without hesitation.
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A Study on CHUYONG DANCE 인문 · 사회과학편 : 처용무(處容舞)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
20(2) 47-81, 1981
A Study on CHUYONG DANCE 인문 · 사회과학편 : 처용무(處容舞)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
Introduction Chuyong dance was a court dance. Dancers use to wear gorgeous dresses. Character of the dance was more like drama.
There are many studies on chuyong and chuyong song which have indivisible relationships with chuyong dance. However, we haven`t had enough study on chuyong dance. Today chuyong dance is regarded as one of the great our traditional arts. Great efforts are being made for handing down this dance from generation to generation. This study is a review on the historical background of the CHUYONG DANCE and includs discussions for the way of its transmission.
I, Historical Background of Chuyong Dance
1. The origin of chuyong dance
2. The development of chuyong dance
(a) Silah Dynasty
(b) Korea Dynasty
(c) Lee Dynasty
II, Chuyong Dance
1. Chuyong dance in AHCK HAK GWE BUHM
2. Chuyong dance in HOL GI
3. The analysis of chuyong dance
III, Transmission of Chuyong Dance
1. Transmission of chuyong dance as classic dance.
2. Chuyong dance as creative arts.
According to the result of review, the first thing to be done for chuyong dance is its preservation as it is. Methods may be Summarized as follows:
1. Sincerelity is needed for those who are related in transmission.
2. More creative efforts should be made to enhance chuyong dance. Modern dance could be based on itself
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A Study on the Do San Ahn, Chang - Ho's Physical Education Thought & Contribution 인문 · 사회과학편 : - 도산(島山) 안창호(安昌浩)의 체육사상(體育思想)과 업적(業績) -
20(2) 82-89, 1981
A Study on the Do San Ahn, Chang - Ho's Physical Education Thought & Contribution 인문 · 사회과학편 : - 도산(島山) 안창호(安昌浩)의 체육사상(體育思想)과 업적(業績) -
The wave of moderniation began to be risen In whole field of society with the Dong-Hak Revolution, raised in. 1894 by populace against deep-rooted violence of influenced persona under the feudal age, such as abuse of clams discrimination system and inveterate bad custom at the end of the Yi Dynasty, and Kab-O Reformation, later made. But in 1910, our nation became to meet the cobnial period for 36 years.
In the whirlpool of this circumstances, Dosan broke from the premodern thoughts to have the demoratic modern thought. He made every endeavours after independance of our nation, and he was a great philosopher and educationist.
The ultimate goal of his thought was to make our people modernized and have scientific life system, reasonable realitic altitude with renovation of unscientific life attitude. On the basis of this thought, he thought that the goal of Education was a self-renovation of individuality in order to accomplish the great task of our nation.
Dosan said that it is the short way to accomplishment of goal for our people to to strengthen the Power of out whole people and have sound character,
We know that he also had a progressible democratic thought from a standpoint of Physical Education.
The abstract of Dosan`s through of Physical Education is as follows:
1. The thoughts of Virtue, Physique, Intellegence: He emphasized the importance of Physical Education breaking out the past confusian ideas of Intellegence, Virtue, Physique.
That is, he emphasized Virtue, Physique more than Intellegence because human Intellegence without Virtue was apt to misuse, and the Intellegence of those who are not healthy was apt to be the cause of complaint, discontent.
2. The philosophy of power: Dosan emphasized that our people must strengthen his power in order to accomplish modernization and independence of nation, and above all, physical strength was priority.
3. The Idea of Recreation which was the opening of modern recreation: This idea was on the basis of the Idea of Mu-Sil-Euk-Hang, and its goal is develope sociality of people and to reconstruct our nation.
4. Advanced Sanitory Thought: He stated from the viewpoint of preventive medicine the importance of individual and public sanitation and scientific, sanitary life attitude.
From the above statements, We can learn that Dosan`s general thought of Physical Education was expression of his anti-Japanese Patriotism and loving our people and it was based on the formation of our people`s whole personality for the sake of accomplishment of independence of our fatherland.
It is more significant that he tried to put this thought into practice and enlight people for the sake of better future.
For example, with the Movement of Hung-Sa-Dan he cultivated the qualification of moderm civilian through systemic and positive physical activity and education.
And he planned to train sanitary life attitude and social life through recreation with the construction of Ideal Jown.
He extablished the Dae-Sung School Where he practiced systemic, strong physical activity in order to make our people robust for the purpose of cultivation of leader of our nation.
Above mentioned, from the viewpoint of Physical Education, Dosan contributed greatly to development of Physical Education as a theorist and activist of modern Physical Education.
So we must value him highly as a pioneer in the thought of modern Physical Education.
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A Study on The Effect of Mental Practice for The Standing Broad Jump 인문 · 사회과학편 : 정신훈련 ( Mental Practice ) 이 제자리 넓이뛰기에 미치는 효과
20(2) 90-95, 1981
A Study on The Effect of Mental Practice for The Standing Broad Jump 인문 · 사회과학편 : 정신훈련 ( Mental Practice ) 이 제자리 넓이뛰기에 미치는 효과
This study was to investigate the effect of mental practice for the standing broad jump. Thirty male college students at Oregon State University were used as subjects. Each six of them were randomnly assigned into five different groups. The first group was treated as physical practice only, the second for mental and physical practice, the third for physical and mental practice, the fourth for mental practice only, and the fifth group was assigned as a non-practice group.
Results of the study indicated that mental practice had little effect while physical practice method showed significant effect on the standing broad Jump.
It was discussed that mental practice might root be an effective method for the development of power which was considered to be a major factor of the standing broad jump event.
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A Hist - Philosophical Study for the Establishment of Goals in History Education of Sports and Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육사교육(體育史敎育) 목적(目的) 정립(定立)을 위한 역사철학적(歷史哲學的) 기초연구(基礎硏究) - 력사(歷史)의 본질(本質)과 교육과정(敎育課程)의 구조(構造)를 중심(中心)으로 -
20(2) 96-105, 1981
A Hist - Philosophical Study for the Establishment of Goals in History Education of Sports and Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육사교육(體育史敎育) 목적(目的) 정립(定立)을 위한 역사철학적(歷史哲學的) 기초연구(基礎硏究) - 력사(歷史)의 본질(本質)과 교육과정(敎育課程)의 구조(構造)를 중심(中心)으로 -
This study attempts to found the goals in History Education of Sports & Physical Education in View of the Nature of History and the Structure of Curriculum & Instruction.
The goals in History Education of Sports and Physical Education are analyzed into three constituent elements: historical understanding, historical consciousness, and historical knowledge and concept formation.
Historical understanding involves partly the understanding of the perspective of a particular historian in dealing with historical phenomena, since historical facts are discribed differently according to the perspectives of historian.
Therefore, in historical understanding, we should use the colligatory concept which contains the characteristics of a period, and by using it we can discribe and deduce the historical phenomena, so that the phenomena can be colligated by the common under ore concept leading to the historical generalization.
The foundation of historical conscionsness is the historical thinking. The temporal sequence of the past, present and future is unified in historical consciousness, and we can realize our own historical existence in the light of tole sequence. Therefore, historical conciousness is the self consciousness concerning historical existence.
Historical knowledge is analyzed into period concept and historical process.
The Intellectual operational level in historical knowledge lead to the historical conciousness.
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A study on the male middle students understanding of the contents of the textbooks of physical education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육(體育) 교과서(敎科書) 내용(內容)의 이해(理解)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) ( 서울 시내(市內) 남자(男子) 중학생(中學生)을 중심(中心)으로 )
20(2) 106-110, 1981
A study on the male middle students understanding of the contents of the textbooks of physical education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육(體育) 교과서(敎科書) 내용(內容)의 이해(理解)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) ( 서울 시내(市內) 남자(男子) 중학생(中學生)을 중심(中心)으로 )
The author prepared the tests for 1048 male middle school students in Seoul area in order to determine their understanding of the contents of the textbooks of physical education and to indirectly estimate the degree of usefulness of the texts. Among 1048 students, there are 349 in the 1st grade, 349 in the 2nd grade and 350 in the 3rd grade. The results were as follows;
1. The average rate of the correct answers of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and grade students was 37.0%, 40.0%, 38.8% respectively.
2. The average rate of the correct answers of the majority of the students (90.5% in the 1st grade, 81.7% in the 2nd grade and 89.1% in the 3rd grade) was less than 50%, and no one got the correct answers higher than 70%.
3. Though the same tests were given to all students in the 1st, the 2nd, and the 3rd grades on the part of the order-exercises, the best average score among the grades was only 38.7%.
4. In the apprehension degree of physical education, teat content among the schools according to grades. there are significant difference between school D,E and school A,C (P<0.01), between school D,E and school C (P<0.05) in the 1st grade; between school C and school B (P<0.05) in the 2nd grade; between school D and school B,C (P<0.05, P<0.01), between school and E and school B,C (P<0.05) in the 3rd grade.
5. In the apprehension degree of physical education text content among the grades according to schools. there was significant difference (P<0.01).
In conclusion, it can be determined that all student`s understanding of the textbooks of Physical education is quite poor, and that the texts were not properly used. And it should be noted that such phenomena are not confined to any one school, but to most of the schools involved. Therefore, the fundamental causes of such condition must be analyzed and subsequently the appropriate policies must be followed.
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Effects of Hip Flexibility on General Motor ability and Fundamental Skill in Soccer 자연과학편 : 요관절유연성이 (腰關節柔軟性) 축구(蹴球)의 일반운동능력(一般運動能力) 및 기초기술(基礎技術)에 미치는 영향(影響)
20(2) 113-122, 1981
Effects of Hip Flexibility on General Motor ability and Fundamental Skill in Soccer 자연과학편 : 요관절유연성이 (腰關節柔軟性) 축구(蹴球)의 일반운동능력(一般運動能力) 및 기초기술(基礎技術)에 미치는 영향(影響)
In order to study how trunk flexion and trunk extension effect general motor ability and fundamental skills in soccer, 162 high school students ware examined from March till October, 1981.
The conclusions emerged are as fellows:
1. Trunk fleaion, trunk extension and general motor abilities in soccer.
Trunk flextion proved to be significantly correlates with all the items, except for "30m running", while trunk extension did not turn out to have any significant correlation with them, except "closedeye and one leg standing" and "back strength".
2. Trunk Flexion, trunk extension and fundamental skills in soccer.
Trunk flextion showed itself to have significant correlation with all the Items, except for "dribble time", trunk extension displayed itself to be significantly correlates with "exactitude in shoot", "exactitude in instep kick", "throwing".
3. Analysis of predicting variations among trunk flextion, trunk extenion, and general motor abilities in soccer.
① Out of 28 percent of trunk flextion Predicting variation, "closed eye and one-leg standing" was 16 percent whick turned out to be the highest of all the items
② Out of 17 percent of trunk extension-predicting variations, back strength was 10 percent. which appeared to be the highest of the items.
4. Analysis of predicting variations among trunk flexion, trunk extension, and fundamental skills ill soccer.
① Out of 25 percent of trunk-extention-predicting variations, "heading" was 15 percent, which presented itself to be highest of all the items.
② Out of 13 percent of trunk extention-predicting variation, throwing was 10 percent, which indentified itself to have cross correlation with bath trunk flexion and trunk-extension.
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A study on the frequency of Osgood - Schlatter's disease 자연과학편 : 경골결절의 (脛骨結節) 무혈행성 (無血行性) 양사의 (壤死) 발병빈도(發病頻度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
20(2) 123-128, 1981
A study on the frequency of Osgood - Schlatter's disease 자연과학편 : 경골결절의 (脛骨結節) 무혈행성 (無血行性) 양사의 (壤死) 발병빈도(發病頻度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
This study aims to research on the relation between ages in various athletics and the causes of Csgood-Schlatter’s discase, and to seek preventive measures based upon findings. The subjects were students in Chunnam province, skilled ones in specipic athletics that require contractional movements of Quadriceps femoris.
Findings are as follow:
1. By ages and various athletics, incidence rate was high in adolescence (13∼17%), the relationship being positive in adolescence and negative before and after it. Joint pain frequently occured at knee, heel, 1. By ages and various athletics, incidence rate was high in adolescence (13∼17%), the relationship being positive in adolescence and negative before and after it. Joint pain frequently occured at knee, heel, ankle, and elbow. And it occured in hard athletics such as basketball, weight-lifting, wrestling, gymnasties and tae kwon do.
2. 60 athletes who complained of knee-joint pain were examined with X-ray by an orthopaedic surgery specialist, 8 of them were shown areascular neurosis of tibial tuberosity (13.3%). The cause being seperation of ossification center of tibial tuberosity from tibia that was fused at adolescence. Other causes of knee-joint pain persisted and they produced repeated contraction of ligament and extensor muscles of knee-joint, the rate being 52 athletes (86.7%).
3. In order to prevent the disease, athletes are advised to fully warm up for the purse of relaxing Quadriceps femoris; they should avoid atletics that require sodden and extreme extension of knee-joint in adolescence.
4. In case athletes are affected by the disease, they are to be consulted and treated by specialists. Leaders (coachers and trainers) of teams should restrain their over-emphasized aspiration to win games, study ailed and improve efficint training methods.
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The Influence which Momentum of Bodysegment gives Throwing Movement 자연과학편 : 신체분절의 (身體分節) 운동(運動)이 던지기운동에 미치는 영향
20(2) 129-134, 1981
The Influence which Momentum of Bodysegment gives Throwing Movement 자연과학편 : 신체분절의 (身體分節) 운동(運動)이 던지기운동에 미치는 영향
To define the influence which momentum of bodysegement gives throwing movement; as giving limit to each segment concerned with the throwing movement, and made the segment not operate and at same time, measured the momentum, comparing wish maximum ability. Through the experiments of the above, it came to the conclusion was as the following.
(1) It was c1ear that total momentum can be made by the coordination of each bodysegment in the throwing movement.
(2) It could get the truth that the portion of influence each segment gives the throwing movement it 67.17%∼7.4%, according to the each segment.
(3) It was clear that the influence of bodyscgments on the throwing movements showed as the following.
1) Shoulder Joint 67. 17%
2) Phalanges Joint 58.18%
3) Waist Joint 50.68%
4) Elbow Joint 40.94%
5) Knee Joint 32.60%
6) Wrist Joint 18.82% 7) Hip Joint 8.13% 8) Ankle Joint 7.40%
(4) It can get to the truth that the theory that the Waist Joint will affect greatest to the above movement is wrong, in other words, other Joints, Shoulder Joint, Phalanges Joint affects greater than the former one
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A Model of the Physical fitness Index of Special Group - based on a survey of the military cadets - 자연과학편 : 특수집단(特殊集團)의 신체충실도(身體充實度) 표준설계(標準設計) - 사관생도(士官生徒)를 대상(對象)으로 -
20(2) 135-143, 1981
A Model of the Physical fitness Index of Special Group - based on a survey of the military cadets - 자연과학편 : 특수집단(特殊集團)의 신체충실도(身體充實度) 표준설계(標準設計) - 사관생도(士官生徒)를 대상(對象)으로 -
The purpose of this study is to design and propose a model or norm of the physical fitness Index for the Military cadets, and thus to evaluate the cadets’ phycical ability in a more appropriate way.
We first analysed the data of physical standard which have been collected from the five-year records of 1,714 caders in view of such indexes as Rohrer’s index, Kaup’s index, Vervaeck’s index, and Pelidist’s index. Later we propose a more of our own based on the above analyses.
The following is the conclusions of this study:
(1) The three proposed norms appear in the Tables 6,7, and 8 respectively.
(2) According to Rohrer’s Index, the standard of the cadets of C-class in their physical fitness is higher than that of the average college students by 7.89. This implies that given the same height, the military cadets are in a better physical fitness and development than the average college students.
(3) The corelation betweeen the indexes has been verified to be highly reliable(minimum 0.63)
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A Study on the relationship between the directions and distances in the Choice whole Body Reaction Time 자연과학편 : 방향(方向)과 이동(移動) 거리(距離) 요인(要因)이 선택전신반응(選擇全身反應) 시간(時間)에 미치는 영향(影響) ( 중(中) · 고등학교(高等學校) 축구선수(蹴球選手)를 중심(中心)으로 )
20(2) 144-154, 1981
A Study on the relationship between the directions and distances in the Choice whole Body Reaction Time 자연과학편 : 방향(方向)과 이동(移動) 거리(距離) 요인(要因)이 선택전신반응(選擇全身反應) 시간(時間)에 미치는 영향(影響) ( 중(中) · 고등학교(高等學校) 축구선수(蹴球選手)를 중심(中心)으로 )
The whole body reaction time in response to the light stimuli demanding different direction of movement has been studied by various authors, a study on the effects of more complex stimuli demanding the combinations of directions and distances of movement in soccer players has not yet been made.
The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the Choice Whole Body Reaction Time (CWBRT) on soccer players in junior and senior high school.
The present investigation was designed to examine CWBRT of movement elicited by the choice stimuli demanding different distances and directions and directions condition.
Whole Body Reaction Time Measurement Apparatus(T.K.K. 1264-I) made by Takei Equipment Company was utilized to measure CWBRT of 32 junior and 32 senior school soccer players.
The experimental conditions demanded by the stimuli were the combinations of four directions(forward, back, left and right) and three distances(20,40, and 60cm) condition. The subjects performed 60 trials(five trials under each experimental conditions).
The term of CWBRT used in this study is the interval time elapsed from presentation of light stimuli to the initiation of a response. The data were analysed by analysis of variance, t-test and Pearson`s method.
The results obtained were as follows.
1. The CWBRT was increased by increasing the length of the jumping distances. Therefore, considerations should be made in setting up for measuring the reaction time.
2. According to analysis of variance, the direction factor was influenced on CWBRT at the 1% level of significance in junior high school athletes group; and the direction, distance factor was influenced on CWBRT at the 1% level of significance in senior high school athletes group.
3. On front, back and right direction of the 20cm distance condition and right direction of the 40cm distance condition the CWBRT of the senior high school sthletes group was faster than that of junior high school athletes group.
4. In both groups, the coefficients of correlation between the CWBRT for the different distances were middle or higher when the matched distances were closer.
5. The correlation of CWBRT in the moving distance was proved to have been low only between 20cm and 60cm distance condition in senior high school athletes group.
Key Words
A Study on the Age, Height and Weight of Sports Athlete Comparison of the Korean National Athlete with Champions Participated in Olympic 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 연령(年齡) , 신장(身長) 및 체중(體重)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 한국대표선수(韓國代表選手)와 올림픽대회(大會) 참가선수간(參加選手間)의 비교(比較) -
韓敬熙HanKyung-Hee , 李學來LeeHak-Lae
20(2) 155-164, 1981
A Study on the Age, Height and Weight of Sports Athlete Comparison of the Korean National Athlete with Champions Participated in Olympic 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 연령(年齡) , 신장(身長) 및 체중(體重)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 한국대표선수(韓國代表選手)와 올림픽대회(大會) 참가선수간(參加選手間)의 비교(比較) -
韓敬熙HanKyung-Hee , 李學來LeeHak-Lae
In this study, the writers of the thesis have studied and differences of age, height and weight between the Korean National Champions and those champions participated in Olympic game, Which, We believe, will contribute to the supply of source of reference for the planning of selection and training and training of the Korean National Champions.
We have, therefore, compared and analyzed age, height and weight of 1,603 Champions participated in 22nd Olympic game held in Moscow and 238 Korean National Champions (Total; 1,841 champions) during the same period. Our finding is as follows:
1. As to Age
1) Average age of the Korean National Champions was 22.4 years old whereas average age of Champions participated in that Olympic game was 24.9 years old, which showed the Korean National Champions with 2.7 years younger.
2) No significant difference could be identified in the cases of champions of soccer game, woman basket ball game and woman volley-ball game. In the cases of Judo, Weight-lifting, Wrestling, Basket ball and Hand-ball games of male or female was identified as P<0.001 whereas the cases of boxing and male volley-ball games were identified as P<0.01, which showed older age bracket than the case of the Korean National Champions.
2. As to Height
1) In the case of Judo, the Olympic champions showed higher height, which was identified as P<0.001 whereas the cases of wrestling and boxing were identified as P<0.01, which made the height of the Korean National Champions higher than those of Olympic Champions. In the cases of Greco-roman style of wrestling and weight-lifting, no significant difference could be identified.
2) In the case of ball-games, only female basket-ball champions showed some difference of significance. In short, male basket-ball champions and male and female hand-ball were identified as P<0.01, and the female champions of volley-ball were identified as P<0.05 which showed higher height of the Olympic champions.
3. As to Weight
1) In the case of light Class of Judo(P<0.01)and Wrestling (P<0.05)as well as wrestling and boxing (P<0.001), the Korean national champions showed heavier weight comparing with those Olympic champions, whereas in the cases of Judo (P<0.01) and wrestling (P<0.05) of heavy class, the weight of Olympic champions were heavier than those of the Korean national champions.
2) In the case of female basket-ball champions, no significant difference could be identified, whereas the weight of Olympic champions in the game of female basket ball, female volley-ball, male-female hand-ball (P<0.001) and male volley-ball (P<0.01) where heavier than those of the Korean national champions.